
This week has Kicked my Ass

The words are crisp and salty with a readable aftertaste. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have sat behind a desk clutching the bars on the sides to somehow soothe my trembling body. So I will repeat myself by saying; this week kicked my ass. Sunday to Tuesday, I prepared a speech on the Writers Strike of which I agreed with. I was the third to go in class but luckily not the only one to shake profusely. I felt like I was hyper ventilating; I had memorized the speech entirely but I forgot to breathe before saying my conclusion. I don't really remember what happened next. Today, Thursday, I woke up at 5 to memorize yet another disaster; a French summary of this ridiculous story for an oral test, my first one-- I should add. Because it's my hardest and favorite class I feel most obligated to succeed but should that risk my sanity? I think not. Yeah, that test sucked.
So, I will repeat myself when I say; This week kicked my ass, and I may have to add that this semester or year has as well. And next year is Junior Year and it will be even worse. great. right?

3 komente:

Toni tha...

i love hannah!
i did surprisingly okay on my speech, i didnt die.

Toni tha...

p.s. at first, i thought the trash can under my comment was a cupcake.

Anonim tha...

bleh I'm with you, although my speech was okay, I'd just overall say that something or other made this one of the longest weeks I've put up with in loong time