
Sexism still Breathes

I don't believe that America has completely freed itself of sexism. I know that there are more things backing me up on this. But for now; why is that when a guy is with more than one woman he is referred to as a "Player" with a positive connotation, but if a woman is with more than one man she is titled a "slut" with a negative connotation?

How bout that hip hop?!!

My Healthy Kick

Just as a friend of mine is going on a 30 day yoga extravaganza, I will be going on a 30 day healthy spit because I have not done what I told myself I would do during the summertime. I find it more to be a soothing trip. I would love to lose weight while doing so, but it's not all that. I've noticed that most people are happier when they are healthy and seeing how I may have be lacking in both departments, I shall improve. Again, it's the journey, not the finish.


Popsicles in Winter

I would like to apologize: I have been extremely selfish lately. I don't think that I've pulled anyone down yet, but if so, I'm sorry. I'm sure this is a common issue: whenever you're unhappy you want those around you to be as well which is completely 100% unfair, but it makes you feel better. It's like eating a Popsicle in the winter; you start shivering (unless you're abnormal) and those around eventually begin licking one too because you tell them the flavor is amazing. But in reality you shouldn't give them it because shivering is extremely obnoxious.

I don't think that I gave people any Popsicles, but I feel like I did because it's been god-knows-how-long since I've finished this freezing Popsicle.