
Anything to Puncture The Stillness

I am profoundly vacant at this current moment. I feel inclined to write and fulfill my Zen duty, but nothing is on my finger tips besides this. It is simply that I have nothing really to say anymore. I thought that changing "Ribbon's Mind" to "Five Story Place" would undo my writer's block and reimburse my mind with ideas. But instead it has led to even more emptiness. Perhaps it is time to put Ivy Ribbon to bed. I have seen others follow me, and by that I mean start a project of their own. I can't help but be ego-enhanced for a moment for I led them to have such an idea, well I only hope I did. But at the same time I long to be different. I would never want to be the same as someone else which sounds almost worse than being the same as everybody else. But to be honest, it slightly bothers me that they have followed me; making me choose between Ivy and my Independence. I know that it wasn't my original idea; someone obviously had a project before me, but I followed blogger for I had something to say. Now, I think I've said it. Now on the other hand everyone deserves to be their own. Of course, I don't want to keep anyone from their creative expression. And I'm not talking about all bloggers. I'm talking about only certain ones, or even a singular one. So, this may be Ivy Ribbon's last post though I'm torn. it lies on still water for now. Leaving anything to puncture the stillness.