Vitamin Water+= Hero
but, yeah it's pretty self explanatory: V-Water is awesome, and the reason is because of the bright colour and the white that makes it POP! Some say it's magic but, I would say those people at Glaceau* really know what their doing, like NBC.
Just A Little Reminder
New Year's Resolution
- By the Hammer of Thor! (compliments to 30 Rock)
- Blerg (same)
- ninja
- GOD bless america
- Fungdark
- Shiznit
- Dookie
- mouth breathing apalachian
- mammoth tooth
I honestly cannot think of anything else..... any ideas?
All of Us
It's like the day of my Great-Uncle's funneral and all I could think of was poetry. But I thought of something so brilliant, but I thought that it was selfish of me to not be thinking of him on this sad day. So, I forgot it. Maybe Life takes away all the good in order for us to do things 'right', until we have nothing left, and that's when we die.
I hope not.
I wish I Had My Mind
New York
I'm So Tired of it!
ps. that quite a big "maybe"
Jazzzzz, zzzzz,zzz, z
The Real Inconveniant Truth (?)
Or love could just be what we tell ourselves; i know it sounds so harsh and coldhearted, but what if it was true. I think it could be feasable; love is spread onto our minds with a thick layer of serenity but also synthetically. It contains so many cliches but then there are also so many things that hold such a great impact on our lives.
I do agree that love brightens life, but couldn't it be one of those matrix things where we aren't really living and we never really die? Emotions simply disguise what we would really see, how we would truly behave, and how we would truly dismantle ourselves from the alive.
What can't we do when this happens? I feel like everyday there's something else i have to accomplish, task after task; it sucks. I know I'm not the only one becuase my parents complain non stop about my sister, my brother and I, there seems to be more and more.
my question is when will there ever be nothing? when will the day come that i dont care about anything
American Idol= Tin Farmers
Is it Ever Really About Love?
I have come to the conclusion that people marry who, when or why because of their culture/environment constantly influencing them. People are always bias towards good looks, no matter what they tell you or themselves. I catch myself doing that all the time, what can I say? I'm only human, I am not just a blog looking into the world like a kaleidoscope, constantly changing my view. Also, people especially women, are constantly, drilled or possibly harassed by their peers or their parents on when they will be betrothed/hitched/what-have-you, because women need to get married just in time to be a "HOT MOM", and then some. Then, there's always why. Oh there are numerous reasons; goldiggers that can be on either end (just look at Madonna's husband), shame, hopelessness, even pitty, and sometimes because you think you love someone.
This brings me best to the question: Is it ever really about love?
Crazy Grossity
I'm sorry, whoever that person may be, but wtf. Why would you name your blog that? it made me throw up in my mouth, (if you couldn't tell, I'm not very Jesus-sentrick), and maybe even perhaps want to burn a cross and the nativity set that my family and I never put out for Christmas, that we commercially celebrate. What is the deal with religion? It's cool and it's funky but it's not fresh and I am all about the freshness in society. I read Vogue for heaven's sake!
A New Teddy Bear
Bad Habits
PostSecret and Its Magic
Why I love PostSecret
- Rob Hiaasen, who you may find also in Baltimore Noir, of the Baltimore Sun did a features story on them because they live in Baltimore, MD-- who doesn't like Baltimore? who cares about murder rates?
- We can all relate to the secrets, no matter how different you think your secret is to the world's, PostSecret will connect you to one of there's.
Strike At Hand

Our writers give us our favorite shows, our actors and actresses simply deliver them, why shouldn't they be paid at least equally?
oh and...
Hats off to you, Tina Fey, Seth Myers, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, Greg Daniels, Paul Uberstein, Mike Schur, B.J Novak, Kelly Kapoor, Rainn Wilson, Steve Carrell, Julia Louis- Dreyfus, Maura Tierney, John Stamos and all others on and off the picketline who support/are supporting the writers guild of AMERICA. (no Texas 'out-on-da-range' accent on America, just straight up America)
Writers' Realm
Negativety of the World
The Old vs. The New
It doesn't stop there, some male teachers, oh you know where i'm going with this, need to step away from those slutty girls that just happen to always sit up front. gross.
The New Language of America
so gd lckw/tht. ttyl! (turn around and heel kick like a peppy scottish school girl if she was in a heel kicking contest)
I would try to be more poetically strong when i say this but really Sundays don't diserve it and frankly i'm surprised that i've even be capitolizing it. whether you must go to church early, late or later you still have to go. thank goodness my parents decided to spare us from the crazed lunatics that happen to run every church orginization condensed on this land mass.
But it doesn't stop there; homework. there is never time for the occaisional blog post, especially when there's wold history to be done! oh and then after that there's certainly enough reading of pointless books about arrranged marrages to go around. "do you want fried crap with that or just a crock o' shit?"
finally, the guilt banging on the brain for NOT working hard enough. god its a bitch.
word to the wise
But yes, today in my findings i read a comment saying something along the lines of good luck this season and i have prayed for you and your daughter and your husband. WHOA! HOLD UP!!! "PRAY FOR YOU !!!!" creeepppppyyy to the MAX! (max steel) but OH MY GOD! HOLY SHIT! that is soooo weird, A you don't know these random kids and they could be GANG MEMBERS to idk.... k cubed. crazy.
no wonder there hasn't been any updates lately!
word to the wise, public, don't write creepy messages on websites of celebs that DON'T KNOW YOU!
Life would be SO much easier if ...
The answers to the SAT's were in MY hands... .... if only if only
If i had the ability to shrink people, so i could put them in a box and finally look down at them the way i want to!
If weapons were never invented so real wars would be fought like real men and real women
If there were no race issues and no gender ones either.
To feed into the clouds above.
Only, I, one of those tangled twigs
Knew the answer?
Not possible
Though I thought I did
No, wait, I didn't
I did not know the answer
How could I?
A mere literature
Not a reader
Just one who studies
Never good enough, only if I read more
Oh, but I did, the answer was that Tonio was torn between two sides of himself: bohemian and bourgeois because his father was a mixture of the two as well as he, and his mother was strictly bohemian, leaving Tonio in distress.
So I could have gotten it wrong,
Thank goodness I didn't answer
I could have gotten it wrong.
Time Isn't the Bastard
Maybe That's Just Life
i let others swallow me whole, like a delectable snadwich running with dressing, though i'm not runny at all, i stand there waiting to be.
I'm not her, you, nor I but i sure as hell not him.
at times i want a title, just to make it easier in a casual conversation, but when outnumbered i prefer me, sort of....
oh you know whom i speak of
Where are we going?
Thinking ahead always causes some sort of trauma, but, i know what is to come, if it all goes according to plan. My parents will die before me, then my brother and then my sister, then i will. but in between, we're supposed to enjoy it, somehow.
How can we? i know i will be waiting for my last breath. one day i will be standing literally on this earth without my family, being the ones that i have been with ever since April 20, 1992. how could we possibly be equiped for this, college won't prepare us for this day. and if college won't than high school sure as hell won't.
So, how can anyone waste a day, minute or second without a nice thought/memory without them?
The beginning
A sudden sweep of the bicycle into the air threw the man onto his back into the sand that didn't bother making room for his body. The left arm twisted and cracked behind his back and from that his head bounced onto the ground and broke open. The reaply had been kind up to this point; this had only been seen only one heartless time.
The tentacles of the beach entangled the head, the body and the tires as the dream was delightfully disturbed by a fulmination beyond the vapid scene by someone who was very much alive: "Honey? Charlie honey, time to get up."
Thank You, Time
i was so much older than them, and i was "da bomb"?
who says "da bomb" anymore?
I held my head high
though i should have lowered it
becuase of my black tee shirts i wore repetitively
and the same jeans that i had to secretly wash on Wednesdays
I laughed at others
and i let them laugh at her
though she was the one person i didn't laugh at
it still burns in my mind that i didnt do anything
I think i wanted to hate myself
but could never really do it
so, i was big because of that?
wow, time sure does fly
thank you, time
Androphobia- fear of men
Astrachnephobia- fear of storms
Bacteriophobia- fear of germs
Belonophobia- fear of pins and needles
Decidophobia- fear of making decisions
Domatophobia- fear of being confined in a house
Ergophobia- fear of work
Gephydrophobia- Fear of crossing bridges
Gynephobia- fear of women
Aqua/hydrophobia- fear of water
Monophobia- fear of being alone
Mysophobia- fear of dirt
Necrophobia- fear of dead bodies
Nucleomitiphobia- fear of nuclear bombs
Ombrophobia- fear of rain
Optophobia- fear of opening your eyes!
Pediphobia- fear of children or dolls
Phobophobia- fear of own fears
Sitophobia- fear of food
Sopholophobia- fear of learning
Taphephobia- fear of being buried alive
Technophobia- fear of technology
Thalassophobia- fear of the ocean
Triskaidekaphobia- fear of the number 13
Tropophobia- fear of moving
my favs. weird? naw! this is the most fun part of Psychology (yeah, it's capitolized --- meaning it's important!)
Just Another Weapon?
New York
Oh yes, New York, everyone loves it, the shops, the plays, (not including Jersey Boys sorry, but who really wants to be a Jersey Boy?), the smell of the sewage, the fact that it isn't the number one city for heroine (ehem ...Baltimore), the lights, the sounds, the resturants, the people even; yes even the people who scare me or the people i adore who happen to work there (ehem, Tina Fey) and the amazing fact that there are so many different people there but they all seem to conform into one big pack: the New Yorkers. the fact that anyone one who has gone there, is there, or will go there for their specific period of time is a New Yorker amazies me and makes me want to scowl at the rest of the cities who, somehow, cannot accomplish this.
The "big apple" holds everyone.
I cried this morning because i truly don't have much (if any) self-esteem, but no one died, except you know a part of me but that doesn't matter as much as someone else dying; things could be much worse. yes, i know that is completely unoriginal, but really let's be practical and think next time we're balling into a pillow or shoulder and stop ourselves. we are above this; cry for someone or something that is dying, not for yourself.
Then You're a Vegetable
personally i feel as though that is simply one of the most flat out stupid questions ever to be told except, of course, "who is OJ Simpson?" (family, you know who i speak of).
but in all seriousness, living, what else are you going to do? what else are you going to waste your time doing? wait, you have no time if you're dead, or simply not living, which i have no idea where you would be, so when is life ever not "worth-wild". no i'm not going to say "that's appalling" or "think of the people who don't have lives" (i'm pro-abortion so that seems unfitting) but just ponder where you'd be if you weren't living.... lemme tell ya, i'm sure you're a lot better here than in "hell" or "heaven" or simply rotting in the ground. life is OF COURSE worth-wild. every breath assists you, every movement helps you to get to where you want to go, and if you don't want to get anywhere then you're a vegetable, you're simply a vegetable.
Vacations for Your Feet
me, on grass,
she on the sidewalk.
the grass, true was itchy, but not all the time
and once you reach the freashly cut and tended to grass it's more of a vacation for your feet.
sure, i cam home with blisters, but, they were blisters that were earned.
isnt that what life is about
Oh the Joys of Life
The river isn't clear enough to drown them either
where the rain won't conquer is where my resolution spawns
and what my eyes can't see is the clearing of the clouds
for i am stuck
i am stuck the sand that is currently swallowing my ankles and that feeling of hopelessness is growing inside, gergiling and growning to which even those outside me can hear its taunting noises. i fly threw it all, but when it really comes time to do it i fail. i fall right smack onto my face where only the Earth's orbit is moving; not me, not my importance, and not even my pail quaking hands that i once had to hold down by squeezing my legs together.
oh the joys of life.
Never Away
we are at a crossraods, always
we drive through it not noticing our flat tire, or our cracked window, or perhaps a broken tail light
we don't stop, never
never to reimburse our tire, window or tail light
but we as humans have the tendancy to do just so,
but we have the power to stop our tendancies and break the habit,
or perhaps discover a new habit, of braking the tendancies
read and write about it.
read and write about it.
read and write about it.
read and write about it.
take notes, practice, take test.
take notes, practice, take test.
take notes, practice, take test.
take notes, practice, take test.
listen, repeat, practice, take test.
listen, repeat, practice, take test.
listen, repeat, practice, take test.
listen, repeat, practice, take test.
read, take notes and take test.
read, take notes and take test.
read, take notes and take test.
read, take notes and take test.
watch teacher, follow and perfect, turn in.
watch teacher, follow and perfect, turn in.
watch teacher, follow and perfect, turn in.
watch teacher, follow and perfect, turn in.
it hasn't changed a bit.
She tried with the silk clasping around her neck but no suitable knot.
She tried with a swim to an egg shaped rock off from a firmiliar beach, she dove deep but the water carried her up with no nigotiations.
She tried with the reds and blues in the basement and the writing above.
all failures
but is it because she didn't really want to or is it because she didn't have enough time before her mother's return, an army knot stored in her brain, weights attached to her feet and hands, or emotional stability?
We are All Sick
A Trail of Words to Something Much Different
is there ever a way to stop criticisizing or over analysing myself?
Right in the Middle
I don't know what I'm writing anymore
What We Forget As We Grow Old
how to tell the truth
how to hold a pencil
how to react to a fire
how to snap
how to listen
how to appologize
how to open our windows and doors
how to feel good
how to be in love
how to show love
how to say no
how to control our fears
how to tame ourselves
how to cope with change
how to be with people
how to be ourselves
that time hasn't stopped
that our parents love us
why we loved the house we grew up in or still growing up in
that we may not get into college
that we once had control of our lives
that there once was a time we didn't bicker with our siblings
that not everyone cares about what we're talking about
that not everone cares about us
That not everyone cares at all
The memories we once saw vividly and now hide under the blankets of others in our mind
how to measure our shoe sizes
how to catch fire flies in a jar to make a new friend
first hearing this it sounds like the most rediculous thing i've ever heard, so i asked him how he new it was "god". he said that he answered with the question: "how do you know that a friend is in your dream? I know i can't describe every detail of them, such as how their hair was, their eye color, what they were wearing in the dream, what they said... etc... Would you be able to answer and prove it was them? same with god, i just knew it was him." No one can prove any dream, obviously, and if anyone tried to explain their dreams they seem silly. so maybe those men who wrote the bible had a dream and desided to publish it. just like the Salem Witch triles in the way that the girls framed anyone they didn't like or was an outkast in the town. in this case the men did the same with women and homosexuals. Maybe they were just dumped by a girl and maybe the girls ended up being lesbian or something. But either way, people were stupid enough to believe them, the witch accusations and the much longer ago The Bible. We know so much now. Back then we hadn't a a clue of Evolution and reliegion was the just the easy way to explain everything. we have grown intellectually in the past three centuries, some of us look so stupid. why don't we break off from this nonsense?
"out of it"
Bye Bye
The Big IF
Perhaps my Flaws
Where did i go? i know i wasn't always like this, but i seriously can't remember a time where i liked myself and when i stick my neck out be afriad that someone will come back with an insult like you're fat or what have you.
things get under my skin a lot easier these days and i miss the days where i didn't care what others thought, and i really did run from school when i was close enough to take the short cut and run home.when i got the chance.
i replay so many circumstances in my head of how i could have acte differently and how i could have stood out more. maybe have the still life be really zoomed in, or walk out of gym class during the rainforest unit with all the setup jungle gyms and sense i never was athletic i hated this and i never partook in it anyway, no one would notice. i also thought of doing a starfish or sea horse instead of the genaric fish that our art teacher made us do paint every year. Or simply not get nervous every time i read in front of the class or did some shit/book report presentation then i'd have at least one thing positive to look back on. i wish i would have broken the fence when there was nothing to lose.
What Am I Doing WronG?
Constant Battles
Dell-Mac (christ! i can't decide)
conformist- non-conformist
left side of brain-right side of brain
netflix-blockbuster rental shit (but no favs...... wink wink)
Religion- no religion (common sense, and willpower)
private school- public school (it builds character............... amazing)
math, Science- English and Art
Jusiasm- Christianity
Good- Evil
everyone else's happiness is my blah blah blah
never say never
like duh. right?
Reoccurring Stain
but yeah, since when have they come in different colors?
and when did they have this camera thing on the comps? i swear i have been living in a hole with some cOmmies, oh! and probably with lil' Mama who's lipgloss, i dare say, is POPPIN'!!!
my super power
Dell vs Mac
hey don't rain on my math parade!
not there
Rain Rain Go away Come again some other day
Simplicity in life is Never Simple
Could it be possible that i was once George Washtington or Poe, Thomas Jefferson or Monet?
When does life truly begin?
Why do we have to change? yes i know that is extremely selfish, but that everyone at one point in time feels this way. a friend or a family member, either way your first impulse would be that you want them to live forever with you, but thenn, of course, you come to your senses and do what's best for him or her. though sometimes what's best for them helps, other times you have to pull the plug. as long as your friend no longer feels any pain and may they rest in peace.
But the worst thing is she's still sitting in our family room huffing and puffing.
Summer School
At Least Once
i feel awful, i'm supposed to be on a diet, but i, of course, being a worthless ass, has eaten 4 peices of fucking cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm going to kick myself in the ass.
Dodgeball Dynasty
Kutos To You, Mitosis
More Muses
My favorite feeling is doing nothing when school is blowing in your face.
Strangle me before i ever give into this christ nonsence
A cold Shower v.s A new School
Swing Your feet from Your..
bus seat,
student chair,
own chair,
office desk,
Swing your feet from your roof.
thump thump thump
Hopefully a Dying Issue
Wise Words
-my fav couz
I completely agree with this, and i feel like an absolute idiot for thinking otherwise when people say things about me. i like to feel confident, but for some reason this year sucked in that department. one can only blame themself for impregnating pressure in ourselves to try to be perfect. no one is pefect, everyone knows that, but its just that people observe what others look like and those who aren't like that want to change themselves to be like that. i feel as though i just stated the obvioius, but even though it was the obvious people still take diet pills and become anorexic and bolimic.
The Gift of Sight
But back to a more relatable topic, why do we do this to ourselves? we let anyone who says words, no inscription or official document, point out our physical flaws that are in everyone, some more inside ourselves than on the outside, but still there. why do we care so much? is it because of fashion these days? is it becuase of our eyes? our eyes allow us to see the beauties around us, but also, the evils. we as a whole are too delicate and fragile, we need to build up our shields and not let the evils of this world tear us down.
We Live in a World of Repetition
Profiles of Our Teens
1. "young&Crazy: life is to precious to worry about the stupid stuff have fun; part, dance all night, fall in love, say anything you want, do anything you want and REGRET NOTHING"
----------I for realsies DID NOT make this up!! first of all, i would use the right "too" and then i would probably use commen sense instead of whatever this is.
2. "i dont believe in god.... i read harry potter."
------- If i hear another goddamn hp fan i think i might just have to READ IT (barf in a corner)
3. "RIOT! riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIOT! riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIOT!riot riot t riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIOT! riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIOT! riot riot RIOT! riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIOT! riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIOT! riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIOT! riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIO T! riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIOT! riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot riot RIO T! riot riot riot riot riot RIOT! riotRIOT!
------ what can i say? i am NOT the biggest paramore fan in the world, and i bet this person isn't either.
4. P.S i love you
------This just may be the worst, and i think i may have already written about how rediculous this is, but let me reiterate myself: (1)The fact that you must show the lucky lady/man your love on your profile is somewhat saddening. (2)the rest of the world doesn't care worth a hoot (3)you make me want to barf in a corner with tom thumb
Let's NOT Play Pretend
Where do we find our souls? do they appear at the bus station or in our first showers we take alone. or does it appear when we are sent to school and it accumulates from the dripping sweat from our foreheads because we are now alone. i remember the time my kindergarden teacher asked me to "play pretend" with some of the other girls because i was spending too much time at the drawing station. she told me i had to play with the other people in order to go back to drawing. while the other girls stired an empty pot with an old wooden spoon and bossed each other around, i stood there staring at my teacher. she told me to do something as she took notes, i simply stood there. i hated it. for some reason i hated being with the other kids. i wanted to either be with my parents or by myself. my teacher shoo'd me off and i went back to my drawing area.
Now when i walk into high school, i often think of that moment where i was forced to be someone i wasn't and still am not. i'm not good with people, though i wish i am. it takes me a long time to feel comfortable.
You're probably wondering, why do i care, right? but maybe you too are like this.
Make Your own STAR WARS
Make your own Starwars/star treck/battle star gilactica movie!
Ghost ride THE WHIP
and the best part is that my brother DRIVES THE SAME CAR!
A Mind in a Coma
Back to the wondering at hand- i think i'm going to try and publish that story.... someday.
Life, I Guess
Amateur Lover
Plus love is just so boring to write about: it's such a generic and boring subject and pretty difficult not to make it trite: which rarely occurs.
Lines of Love
Fit together perfectly
Each are too shy to speak
Both feel guilty of their silence
But not badly enough
To come out and play
The game
One morning in the deep winter
She went for a walk on the one side of the river
He on the other
They walked in deep thought
Both focusing on the scenery below them
Consisting of
leaves drenched in ice,
Twigs and sticks holding hands with the solid dirt;
Never letting go.
They both pondered of each other and their
Never on their walk did they come together;
Never did one notice the other on the opposing side;
Never did one notice what was ahead;
Just waiting for the end to crush their souls;
To crush what they had wanted but were too
So their only defense was
Above, from the eyes of heaven
The spectrum in view is only seen as
Two parallel lines;
Just two parallel lines;
Never ending
Never starting
Never loving
I've Lost my Mind
how about some ice, for that BURRN!!!
(that was helpful right? well, whatever, i think u need to go Japan's best bakery and order yourself one large slice of HUMBLE PIE!!!! <3 tyty baby)
I Just Don't Get It
Am I missing a crucial piece to fill this puzzle I'm building?
Am I walking in the woods at nighttime or jumping on an inch wide trampoline?
Why is it like this?
I just don't get it
Am I supposed to act like everybody else?
Am I supposed to think like everybody else?
Am I supposed to be that skinny?
Am I supposed to die my hair to match my dress?
I just don't get it
Am I supposed to go to dances?
Am I supposed to date guys?
Am I supposed to act stupid?
Am I supposed to like army-looking cars that only get 3 miles every gallon?
I just don't get it
Am I supposed to be that smart?
Am I supposed to be able to read in front of the class?
Am I supposed to be nice to everyone?
I just don't get it
Do I get to have an identity?
Do I get anything of my own?
Am I supposed to stick up for her?
Am I supposed to agree with her?
Am I supposed to be her friend?
I just don't get it
Am I supposed to be like her?
Am I supposed to be like everyone else?
Am I supposed to be myself?
I just don't get it
Am I supposed to believe?
Am I supposed to die?
Am I supposed to be here?
Am I supposed to be at all?
I just don't get it
And pitifully land on the earth beneath
Flowers bloom and rain shatters the grains'
The sun breeds more
And more
Until all our faces sting with the golden rays,
Finally our blooms have fallen and our
Hands are splintered with labor.
Then the cycle begins all
over again
we begin at our toes
still inside the shoes that which cover our feet
then we grow to our full foot
with a heel and an ankle,
at that time
we learn;
we learn how to become
Innocence pt. 2
Human kind
comment-vas tu? je m'appelle ivy ribbon. je suis bof et tres fatigue. je me manque toi. je ne sais pas quoi faire. je suis rate un examen. qu'est-ce tu ferais?
---ivy ribbon
brief synopses
Our Drunk TV's
when were we ever full of white?
how can anyone consider the fact that they diserve anything? the black among us cannot covered by blue, red, orange, green or anyother color.
we never dine alone
Another Mankind Weakness
High School
Don't you see world??! This is what your young is doing, and has been since 6th grade (well some of them)!!! WAKE UP PARENTS AND CRACK THE WHIP, SAVE YOUR CHILD'S LIVER AND LUNGS!!!
(listen to the dog on that commercial)