Just A Little Reminder
Sometimes when i go down the stairs I sort of lose my thoughts and forget just how to walk down stairs. Some people call it must a brain fart, but I must be quite flatulent. Like I must eat southern cookin' everyday for this just to be a brain fart. But at the top of the stairs I just pause for a moment and wait until it comes back to me, and I start lowering my right foot, just like old times. I wish I would get a reminder every once in awhile; I'm not dumb or anything, I just forget, that's all.
New Year's Resolution
I've decided to actually partake in the ever-so-popular New Year's Resolution. Though, I think most people choose to have one to give them a chance to 'bitch and moan about it. But, I'm doing it because I think I sound ignorant most of the time when I decide to curse instead of thinking of a different, more sophisticated word. For example, just yesterday my brother asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I replied; "I want this bitchin' coat". I could have said so much more! It kills me to think that I have potential to impress people, but I don't think I do all the time because of my language use/misuse. Oh, and I think about 2,000 other people at my high school could use that advise as well. But not everyone. Any who, I have devised a list of words to replace those of scorn.
- By the Hammer of Thor! (compliments to 30 Rock)
- Blerg (same)
- ninja
- GOD bless america
- Fungdark
- Shiznit
- Dookie
- mouth breathing apalachian
- mammoth tooth
I honestly cannot think of anything else..... any ideas?
I wish I would have published this post a while ago, or at least before the one before this because I would like to apologize to Ivy for my lack of attention to her. I've seem to be overwhelmed by the beauty of another online entertainment system, otherwise known as Facebook.com. Damn, that thing is a bitch. the other day I spent three hours on it! First, I checked my profile, then my wall, then I checked my "superwall", and then I had a friend request. Next, I had to add the addicted to 30 Rock thingy and I of course had to answer the trivia questions, which took me the majority of the three hours, which in turn wasted the majority of my Sunday, because just like any normal person I like to sleep in to about 12:30 leaving me around lunch time to eat breakfast/lunch (wait, that's BRUNCH!), which then led me to the time where I had to avoid any homework as much as possible. But, where was I? Oh, yes I believe I was discussing that "bitchi-ness" of facebook; it sucks you into it like a black hole. only the strongest of willpower can pull you out, and again, like most Americans, I don't withhold that power. The worst part is; I don't even like it. It definitely ranks highest on my CYBER BITCH list.
All of Us
It really is honesty that get's us through the majority of all our issues and dilemmas, although we first lie to get ourselves back off the picketline. but, then again, that lie is the one that got us into it in the first place. i think I'm confusing myself. I only wish that the people who manufacture those lies aren't the ones thrown in Jail or killed for the crimes of someone else. Because those people are all of us. so, really, with this in mind, do we really need to think twice about repealing the death penalty? I think not.
Abonohu te:
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