
Nostalgic Story

I miss the days where every minute was picked up by the reigns and taken by storm. I miss the sun. I feel so couped up, but I'm too lazy to go outside. Wow, I sound whiney, but I don't think I'm the only one. If I had somewhere to walk with sidewalks, I would. People need more space sometimes.


How could you possably want to eat this over a locally farmed cow or pig?? Ruin it for the rest of us, why don't you.
Of course, I'm just joshin'.

Chandelier Project

I began this project in the winter, I believe, and ended it after about 30 minutes of picture-taking. Sadly and stupidly, my dad gave my mom's chandelier away to Good Will, you know because I'm sure so many people are chandelier shopping at there. Anyways, the subject of this project was juxtaposition. Juxtaposition, for those of you in the dark, it is basically just putting together opposites or contrasts. In this case unpredictable environments for my mom's somewhat fancy chandelier.

Burrowing Den

In Leaves

Tenticles with Dead Candles

Asphalt: Up the Spout

Chandelier in Garage

C'est Tout!

Me in Future?

I feel like that random staple up there. The nails, if taken out would seem to be missed by the holes that would be lucid after the surgery. But the staple? It seems almost easy to get out, well easy enough for one strong doctor hand to do the procedure. Not much of a hole would be left. I feel like that staple because I don't have a direct flight to my future, but maybe it's not perminentl I'm too young. It makes me wonder if we think we have stunt growth at a young age or if we think we will live an average/lackluster life, will we be hammering ourselves into that hole? I hope not. It's a new era, age or time for better greatness [or greatness at all].