We scamper about the house
our chests beating madly
with excitement and anxiety.
while silencing our playmates,
we lower ourselves into our planned positions;
perhaps behind a couch stashing our feet under a frieze,
perhaps inside a down cupboard
prohibiting it to close.
Smothering ourselves into walls,
dust puddles,
or our curled knees,
someone would sneeze,
or some other din
surrendering our positions.
So, we would begin again,
just as we had before.
I Used to Look Up to You, Buddhism
After brushing up on some Buddhism I came to the conclusion that its overall purpose is no different from any other religion. I do give it props for being more worldly and open to others, but it is still for humanity. It still is greeedy in a way because the person wants to find nirvana. Plus, if you are not greedy or selfish just follow rules it makes it somewhat fake. I like the ideas but not as a whole. I think truely "good" people can be selfless and serving to others without a manual.
The Perfect Combination
I've had a revelation: I ever-so-longly want to become a fashion photographer. I completely understand someone when they say that fashion is hokey and whatnot because I used to be like that. But, I grew into the understanding and reflection that fashion is like art but better: YOU CAN WEAR IT! And it makes you feel good, I love it. And being able to capture the essense and beauty on film is amazing! I love the human body; that souds weird, but I really do, it's amazingly gorgeous and unique to every different person. It's just a perfect combination.
Abonohu te:
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