While chatting online with a close friend, she drove me into a corner where I had to think about all that I have done that causes me to regret. Basically, I realized; I realized I have a lot to regret and I am only 15. It's not like their STD's or rape or anything like that; they're minor things that have manifested in my brain for many years. But the fact that I can't get them out SCARE ME!!
Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Teachers 101
There are few really talented teachers in this world leaving the rest to be either utterly awful or somewhere in the middle which is usually worse (they are INCREDIBLY BORING!). The profession seems simple; plug in a video, have kids take notes, have 'em take a scantron and grade it. This spectrum is seen through the eyes of a child who has far too many "bad teachers." DA DA DA! Everyone has/had a teacher who just lets the class watch movies throughout the year and then around April or May they attempt to cram all the curriculum has instructed. I know I could name a few like that. Another bad type of teachers are those who try to teach the kids so much that it becomes TOO much. Thus half of the class has dropped out by December. I think I know a friend in one of those classes.
though there are so many awful teachers, there are also AMAZING ONES!! The ones you know you will never forget even if you lose your year book. The key to their success is being the superior at all times but still maintaining a likable subtle friendship. Example: Hippie art teacher- you know not to fool around in the class or skip, but she let's you to with art (well not skip art).
My favorite teachers are the ones that plan in advance the lessons. The ones who really care about their students and their job. The ones who you know put effort into the worksheets, lectures, comments on writings and samples. The ones who are passionate about what they wake up to do everyday. Their excitement is your excitement. They are the people who are interested in what you have to say which makes you interested in what they are saying. It truly creates a special bond between teacher and class.
Favs so far:
Boston-- so far, I've only had him for 1/2 semester
Garbooshian--- only had for 1/2 year also.
Bullough--- only teacher I've had fully and agree that he was passionate to say the least.
Hiaasen (one could argue that I'm bias but I watch her work hard every night; grading papers, making plans for the upcoming week. Also, she constantly talks about what great students she has and how "blessed" she is to have them, so clearly she cares.)--- I've only had her officially for half the year also, but in a way I would argue I've had her for 15 years.
The sad part about this is that I can only come up with four throughout my eleven years in school (counting pre-k). ouch, America.
though there are so many awful teachers, there are also AMAZING ONES!! The ones you know you will never forget even if you lose your year book. The key to their success is being the superior at all times but still maintaining a likable subtle friendship. Example: Hippie art teacher- you know not to fool around in the class or skip, but she let's you to with art (well not skip art).
My favorite teachers are the ones that plan in advance the lessons. The ones who really care about their students and their job. The ones who you know put effort into the worksheets, lectures, comments on writings and samples. The ones who are passionate about what they wake up to do everyday. Their excitement is your excitement. They are the people who are interested in what you have to say which makes you interested in what they are saying. It truly creates a special bond between teacher and class.
Favs so far:
Boston-- so far, I've only had him for 1/2 semester
Garbooshian--- only had for 1/2 year also.
Bullough--- only teacher I've had fully and agree that he was passionate to say the least.
Hiaasen (one could argue that I'm bias but I watch her work hard every night; grading papers, making plans for the upcoming week. Also, she constantly talks about what great students she has and how "blessed" she is to have them, so clearly she cares.)--- I've only had her officially for half the year also, but in a way I would argue I've had her for 15 years.
The sad part about this is that I can only come up with four throughout my eleven years in school (counting pre-k). ouch, America.
After reading my new favorite, "heresay," I sat back on my black pleather chair and wondered; what do I really look like?
What is really on the outside? I know somethings I say have slipped illegally past security and drain others around me. When that occurs, I either make fun of myself or (which is MUCH worse) I don't realize it till later, much later, like "too late" later or "wow, you screwed up" later.
So, I don't know what they really think but sometimes I'm sure it's a possiblity that they (people at school or at home) hate me.
The worst is at home:
I talk to myself, mostly in incorrect French, before I fall asleep at night. I wonder who listens. I know only my mother has taken French, thus only she would be able to translate it, but sometimes English spills out. Last night my dad slept in the room next door, which is usually empty because my brother is at college. Instead of sleeping in his room, he slept in Ben's. I was completely unaware of this until this morning, and last night I spoke to myself in English. I hope he didn't hear anything. It's not like I'm coming out the unknown closet or something; it's just I replay moments of the day/week/my life in my head and, sort of, relive them. It really is fun; I think of new things to say to people; it's rather nostalgic, though.
So, at the same time that I am chatting to these people, half of me, sort of, stands watch to identify all the outside sounds and make sure no one may hear me.
Some days I feel as though I may be losing my mind, or even worse; becoming a Schiz.
at school, I am completely different; I could be classified as normal there. Well, up to yesterday, I declared myself half normal. But since yesterday, I'd say that I am becoming only 1/4 normal; I let something slide out of my mouth. I spoke to myself and it was scary. The moment I heard myself say it, I immediately began to hum a tune to somehow cloak what I had just uttered. It's frustrating really because it's so relieving, but at the same time frighteningly unorthodox.
OH, and I'm lazy; to top it all off.
What is really on the outside? I know somethings I say have slipped illegally past security and drain others around me. When that occurs, I either make fun of myself or (which is MUCH worse) I don't realize it till later, much later, like "too late" later or "wow, you screwed up" later.
So, I don't know what they really think but sometimes I'm sure it's a possiblity that they (people at school or at home) hate me.
The worst is at home:
I talk to myself, mostly in incorrect French, before I fall asleep at night. I wonder who listens. I know only my mother has taken French, thus only she would be able to translate it, but sometimes English spills out. Last night my dad slept in the room next door, which is usually empty because my brother is at college. Instead of sleeping in his room, he slept in Ben's. I was completely unaware of this until this morning, and last night I spoke to myself in English. I hope he didn't hear anything. It's not like I'm coming out the unknown closet or something; it's just I replay moments of the day/week/my life in my head and, sort of, relive them. It really is fun; I think of new things to say to people; it's rather nostalgic, though.
So, at the same time that I am chatting to these people, half of me, sort of, stands watch to identify all the outside sounds and make sure no one may hear me.
Some days I feel as though I may be losing my mind, or even worse; becoming a Schiz.
at school, I am completely different; I could be classified as normal there. Well, up to yesterday, I declared myself half normal. But since yesterday, I'd say that I am becoming only 1/4 normal; I let something slide out of my mouth. I spoke to myself and it was scary. The moment I heard myself say it, I immediately began to hum a tune to somehow cloak what I had just uttered. It's frustrating really because it's so relieving, but at the same time frighteningly unorthodox.
OH, and I'm lazy; to top it all off.

Clocks Everywhere
I wish that clocks would be everywhere. They clearly are the most useful tool mankind has ever made. I constantly need reminders of what time it truly is, not what someone spits; "Oh, around 5" and then it's really 4:15 which, well at least in my crazy perspective, is far, far away from five. So perhaps on the sidewalk or on huddled in your little mailbox cove would be a perfect home for your morning and afternoon clock. Perhaps sidewalk or ceiling would be good for your dozing clocks that give your eyes something to stare at as boring professeurs try to enhance your geometric skills or while your overly confident boss gives you a lecture on how you should properly fill out god-knows-what-kind of "death" report. And lastly a clock settled in your refrigerator or treadmill because we all know Americans love to eat and once they finish, if they defy the lazy laws of most American cities, they run like there's no tomorrow. It takes about 30 seconds to entake more than 300 calories, and it takes about 30-60 minutes to burn them off. Wow.
The Color Black
With every group of friends there is ALWAYS someone who resembles the color black. By that I mean somehow they overshadow everyone and no matter the amount or the diversity of ther others; they are never off-game, I guess you could say. It's rather annoying actually because everyone wants to feel confident or at least be good at pretending to be, and it just makes everyone jealous, not to mention me, because I just have to be so humane. Anyways there are two types of blacks (IM NOT BEING RACIST), one who kills the moment with everthing they say whether it's good or bad, they just kill it, and the other is the one who mixes with everyone and leaves there mark while doing so. Either one is threatening.
Senario 1: Jack, let's say is the color black, and he comes to your party and after everytime someone tells a story, he tells a "better" story afterward. For example, he says after someone shared a story of falling in the ice, he says: "Oh MY GOD! That same exact thing happened to me, but worse.." and he makes his story like the slightest bit different just he shows more enthusiasm in his voice. AH! IT's SO annyoing!
Senario 2: That cool british friend that everyone has, or, more importantly, wants to have. After, let's say, three hours everyone once in a while pipes out a few sentences or words in a British accent. Crazy.
Senario 1: Jack, let's say is the color black, and he comes to your party and after everytime someone tells a story, he tells a "better" story afterward. For example, he says after someone shared a story of falling in the ice, he says: "Oh MY GOD! That same exact thing happened to me, but worse.." and he makes his story like the slightest bit different just he shows more enthusiasm in his voice. AH! IT's SO annyoing!
Senario 2: That cool british friend that everyone has, or, more importantly, wants to have. After, let's say, three hours everyone once in a while pipes out a few sentences or words in a British accent. Crazy.
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