
The Color Black

With every group of friends there is ALWAYS someone who resembles the color black. By that I mean somehow they overshadow everyone and no matter the amount or the diversity of ther others; they are never off-game, I guess you could say. It's rather annoying actually because everyone wants to feel confident or at least be good at pretending to be, and it just makes everyone jealous, not to mention me, because I just have to be so humane. Anyways there are two types of blacks (IM NOT BEING RACIST), one who kills the moment with everthing they say whether it's good or bad, they just kill it, and the other is the one who mixes with everyone and leaves there mark while doing so. Either one is threatening.

Senario 1: Jack, let's say is the color black, and he comes to your party and after everytime someone tells a story, he tells a "better" story afterward. For example, he says after someone shared a story of falling in the ice, he says: "Oh MY GOD! That same exact thing happened to me, but worse.." and he makes his story like the slightest bit different just he shows more enthusiasm in his voice. AH! IT's SO annyoing!

Senario 2: That cool british friend that everyone has, or, more importantly, wants to have. After, let's say, three hours everyone once in a while pipes out a few sentences or words in a British accent. Crazy.

1 koment:

Anonim tha...

is scenerio 2 about tom bryant
cause everyone loves him and its really annoying
but yeah
and uhhh.
i wear black and the rest of our group wears colours i guess. xD
i'm such an outcast wooo