Another great, if I dare to be so bold, example of where a clock should perch. Clearly not in your living room, it has settled itself in between the fingers of a tree. Sure, not everyone looks at trees but children may from the back seats of vehicles commanded by their up-bringers. Or perhaps ants and insects need to know how much time they have left in their day long lives. Or should we know time? I know some people who need structure but others just may not. They bodies could've installed a reliable body clock that needs no assistance. Or how about those under the "normal" IQ and can barely even remember what a clock is. They seem to do fine, well I guess with help of others, but without a sense of time they seem to have survived/ are surviving.
3 komente:
Hannah, look at what you've made me do.
i can't read clocks.
i got a blogger.
[i still can't read clocks]
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