What do we do when we fall flat?
What can't we do when this happens? I feel like everyday there's something else i have to accomplish, task after task; it sucks. I know I'm not the only one becuase my parents complain non stop about my sister, my brother and I, there seems to be more and more.
my question is when will there ever be nothing? when will the day come that i dont care about anything
American Idol= Tin Farmers
I've come across so many great musicians, and I have been caught pondering: Where do they all come from? Maybe there's a giant chicken or platipus or something that just breeds the them. But, i guess there would have to be duds too, like Clay Aikin and practically all country singers. I guess all the people on American Idol is jus the opposite; a whale that makes normal people who think they are full of golden talent, but really it's like um.... tin.
Is it Ever Really About Love?
After reading A Nectar in a Sieve, (i know it sounds boring just go with me on this)
I have come to the conclusion that people marry who, when or why because of their culture/environment constantly influencing them. People are always bias towards good looks, no matter what they tell you or themselves. I catch myself doing that all the time, what can I say? I'm only human, I am not just a blog looking into the world like a kaleidoscope, constantly changing my view. Also, people especially women, are constantly, drilled or possibly harassed by their peers or their parents on when they will be betrothed/hitched/what-have-you, because women need to get married just in time to be a "HOT MOM", and then some. Then, there's always why. Oh there are numerous reasons; goldiggers that can be on either end (just look at Madonna's husband), shame, hopelessness, even pitty, and sometimes because you think you love someone.
This brings me best to the question: Is it ever really about love?
I have come to the conclusion that people marry who, when or why because of their culture/environment constantly influencing them. People are always bias towards good looks, no matter what they tell you or themselves. I catch myself doing that all the time, what can I say? I'm only human, I am not just a blog looking into the world like a kaleidoscope, constantly changing my view. Also, people especially women, are constantly, drilled or possibly harassed by their peers or their parents on when they will be betrothed/hitched/what-have-you, because women need to get married just in time to be a "HOT MOM", and then some. Then, there's always why. Oh there are numerous reasons; goldiggers that can be on either end (just look at Madonna's husband), shame, hopelessness, even pitty, and sometimes because you think you love someone.
This brings me best to the question: Is it ever really about love?
Crazy Grossity
I just read an internet web page called "beautifulgrace"
I'm sorry, whoever that person may be, but wtf. Why would you name your blog that? it made me throw up in my mouth, (if you couldn't tell, I'm not very Jesus-sentrick), and maybe even perhaps want to burn a cross and the nativity set that my family and I never put out for Christmas, that we commercially celebrate. What is the deal with religion? It's cool and it's funky but it's not fresh and I am all about the freshness in society. I read Vogue for heaven's sake!
I'm sorry, whoever that person may be, but wtf. Why would you name your blog that? it made me throw up in my mouth, (if you couldn't tell, I'm not very Jesus-sentrick), and maybe even perhaps want to burn a cross and the nativity set that my family and I never put out for Christmas, that we commercially celebrate. What is the deal with religion? It's cool and it's funky but it's not fresh and I am all about the freshness in society. I read Vogue for heaven's sake!
A New Teddy Bear
Today my psychology teacher informed us that he had read a story about a man who new sleep cycles and had stalked a group of women for several days who were consistant in what times they went to bed. For about two weeks this man would time it perfectly as to when they went into stage five sleep, which is the deepest sleep you will ever be in in a night, and would climb into their houses and sleep in their bed. he wouldn't do anything sexually with them, he would just crawl in and sleep beside them. He was found when one of the women had a cold and woke up while he was in her bed. she obviously screamed and called the police. He was trialed and is now in jail, but the fact that he got away with doing this for so long without getting caught is quite eye-opening. So make sure your doors and windows are locked, before you go to bed tonight.
Bad Habits
I love how it is so simple to do the wrong action, than it is to do the right action especially when one is confused as to what the difference between the two are in the occation. It really does add something... something.... oh let's say special to my day when people around me continuously commit the wrong action because they believe they are correct. For example cheating on measley homework, bting their nails, chewing the pen I lent one of them and then i go home and burn it.
PostSecret and Its Magic
I've just read that postsecret won the Best Blog award, and I am to the tip of my skull jealous though I know that I would have never won, do you read blogs these days? some blow me away. In honor of Post Secret, or my favorite section of my Sunday paper, I shall promote those golden bastards over there as well as I can, and while doing so, if you few readers haven't noticed I will try my best to capitolize my letters properly.
Why I love PostSecret
Why I love PostSecret
- Rob Hiaasen, who you may find also in Baltimore Noir, of the Baltimore Sun did a features story on them because they live in Baltimore, MD-- who doesn't like Baltimore? who cares about murder rates?
- We can all relate to the secrets, no matter how different you think your secret is to the world's, PostSecret will connect you to one of there's.
Abonohu te:
Postimet (Atom)