
The Old vs. The New

I know in the old days that kids were hit with rulers, maybe paddals, or maybe rediculed by the instructers, and that obviously gave children a reason to be afraid. now days, the hurting usually is caused by what we see or what could possably happen, and or other kids. the kids who daily visit the "smoker's corner" who wear those black pants with chains connected to them, and smother their eyes in black eye-liner. they scare me hlf to death, i know most of them are really sweet, but come on, i feel like a five year old everytime i first see them because i jump with fright.
It doesn't stop there, some male teachers, oh you know where i'm going with this, need to step away from those slutty girls that just happen to always sit up front. gross.


The New Language of America

When foreigners come to America becuase of over immigration and just teenage laziness they'll have to learn THREE languages; English, Spainish and AIM/FB speech.
so gd lckw/tht. ttyl! (turn around and heel kick like a peppy scottish school girl if she was in a heel kicking contest)



The wrotting smell seeps in through the nostrils as soon as the senses awake from unconsiousness and recognize the morning air. they recognize the Sunday smell: "the day of worship", definately not the "cat's pajamas" and FAR from "the bees knees".
I would try to be more poetically strong when i say this but really Sundays don't diserve it and frankly i'm surprised that i've even be capitolizing it. whether you must go to church early, late or later you still have to go. thank goodness my parents decided to spare us from the crazed lunatics that happen to run every church orginization condensed on this land mass.
But it doesn't stop there; homework. there is never time for the occaisional blog post, especially when there's wold history to be done! oh and then after that there's certainly enough reading of pointless books about arrranged marrages to go around. "do you want fried crap with that or just a crock o' shit?"
finally, the guilt banging on the brain for NOT working hard enough. god its a bitch.