
Then You're a Vegetable

A person once asked me "when do you know life really get's to be worth-wild?"
personally i feel as though that is simply one of the most flat out stupid questions ever to be told except, of course, "who is OJ Simpson?" (family, you know who i speak of).
but in all seriousness, living, what else are you going to do? what else are you going to waste your time doing? wait, you have no time if you're dead, or simply not living, which i have no idea where you would be, so when is life ever not "worth-wild". no i'm not going to say "that's appalling" or "think of the people who don't have lives" (i'm pro-abortion so that seems unfitting) but just ponder where you'd be if you weren't living.... lemme tell ya, i'm sure you're a lot better here than in "hell" or "heaven" or simply rotting in the ground. life is OF COURSE worth-wild. every breath assists you, every movement helps you to get to where you want to go, and if you don't want to get anywhere then you're a vegetable, you're simply a vegetable.

Vacations for Your Feet

We walked and we walked
me, on grass,
she on the sidewalk.
the grass, true was itchy, but not all the time
and once you reach the freashly cut and tended to grass it's more of a vacation for your feet.
sure, i cam home with blisters, but, they were blisters that were earned.
isnt that what life is about