Algophobia- fear of pain
Androphobia- fear of men
Astrachnephobia- fear of storms
Bacteriophobia- fear of germs
Belonophobia- fear of pins and needles
Decidophobia- fear of making decisions
Domatophobia- fear of being confined in a house
Ergophobia- fear of work
Gephydrophobia- Fear of crossing bridges
Gynephobia- fear of women
Aqua/hydrophobia- fear of water
Monophobia- fear of being alone
Mysophobia- fear of dirt
Necrophobia- fear of dead bodies
Nucleomitiphobia- fear of nuclear bombs
Ombrophobia- fear of rain
Optophobia- fear of opening your eyes!
Pediphobia- fear of children or dolls
Phobophobia- fear of own fears
Sitophobia- fear of food
Sopholophobia- fear of learning
Taphephobia- fear of being buried alive
Technophobia- fear of technology
Thalassophobia- fear of the ocean
Triskaidekaphobia- fear of the number 13
Tropophobia- fear of moving
my favs. weird? naw! this is the most fun part of Psychology (yeah, it's capitolized --- meaning it's important!)
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