
I Just Don't Get It

Am I missing something?
Am I missing a crucial piece to fill this puzzle I'm building?
Am I walking in the woods at nighttime or jumping on an inch wide trampoline?
Why is it like this?
I just don't get it

Am I supposed to act like everybody else?
Am I supposed to think like everybody else?
Am I supposed to be that skinny?
Am I supposed to die my hair to match my dress?
I just don't get it

Am I supposed to go to dances?
Am I supposed to date guys?
Am I supposed to act stupid?
Am I supposed to like army-looking cars that only get 3 miles every gallon?
I just don't get it

Am I supposed to be that smart?
Am I supposed to be able to read in front of the class?
Am I supposed to be nice to everyone?
I just don't get it

Do I get to have an identity?
Do I get anything of my own?

Am I supposed to stick up for her?
Am I supposed to agree with her?
Am I supposed to be her friend?
I just don't get it

Am I supposed to be like her?
Am I supposed to be like everyone else?
Am I supposed to be myself?
I just don't get it

Am I supposed to believe?
Am I supposed to die?
Am I supposed to be here?
Am I supposed to be at all?

I just don't get it

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