
word to the wise

Instead of reading the paper in the morning, i read nbc.com in hopes for a new entry from Jack McBrayer and Tina Fey. But, there never seems to be one!
But yes, today in my findings i read a comment saying something along the lines of good luck this season and i have prayed for you and your daughter and your husband. WHOA! HOLD UP!!! "PRAY FOR YOU !!!!" creeepppppyyy to the MAX! (max steel) but OH MY GOD! HOLY SHIT! that is soooo weird, A you don't know these random kids and they could be GANG MEMBERS to idk.... k cubed. crazy.

no wonder there hasn't been any updates lately!
word to the wise, public, don't write creepy messages on websites of celebs that DON'T KNOW YOU!

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