

I wish I would have published this post a while ago, or at least before the one before this because I would like to apologize to Ivy for my lack of attention to her. I've seem to be overwhelmed by the beauty of another online entertainment system, otherwise known as Facebook.com. Damn, that thing is a bitch. the other day I spent three hours on it! First, I checked my profile, then my wall, then I checked my "superwall", and then I had a friend request. Next, I had to add the addicted to 30 Rock thingy and I of course had to answer the trivia questions, which took me the majority of the three hours, which in turn wasted the majority of my Sunday, because just like any normal person I like to sleep in to about 12:30 leaving me around lunch time to eat breakfast/lunch (wait, that's BRUNCH!), which then led me to the time where I had to avoid any homework as much as possible. But, where was I? Oh, yes I believe I was discussing that "bitchi-ness" of facebook; it sucks you into it like a black hole. only the strongest of willpower can pull you out, and again, like most Americans, I don't withhold that power. The worst part is; I don't even like it. It definitely ranks highest on my CYBER BITCH list.

1 koment:

Anonim tha...

lolz I completely agree
and i can totally picture you saying this, it made me laugh so hard
I've deffnitely experienced that like...
notifications (there's like a million and they're totally worthless...check
friend updates...check
profile & wall again...check
use of random applications...check
then repeat until you've wasted your whole day