
A New Teddy Bear

Today my psychology teacher informed us that he had read a story about a man who new sleep cycles and had stalked a group of women for several days who were consistant in what times they went to bed. For about two weeks this man would time it perfectly as to when they went into stage five sleep, which is the deepest sleep you will ever be in in a night, and would climb into their houses and sleep in their bed. he wouldn't do anything sexually with them, he would just crawl in and sleep beside them. He was found when one of the women had a cold and woke up while he was in her bed. she obviously screamed and called the police. He was trialed and is now in jail, but the fact that he got away with doing this for so long without getting caught is quite eye-opening. So make sure your doors and windows are locked, before you go to bed tonight.

2 komente:

Anonim tha...

haha....i feel sorry for the poor women, i would have gotten a heart attack!

Anonim tha...

hm,I don't really even know what to make of that to be totally honest