
The Gift of Sight

Friends kill me. i have one friend named sheila who i hate to the point where i hung up on her twice in one phone conversation. i kept telling her that my phone was broken and it was a miracle that even worked at the beginning of the conversation. she liked my sister more than me and she ignoreed me when she came over, so i never invite her over anymore. we were on a family vacation and she hung out with my sister and my sister's friend the entire time. on that vacation she called me lesbian and made fun of my weight, even though she is chubby, not me. i think she is the main reason why i hate how i look, besides my sister and brother pointing out my double chin.

But back to a more relatable topic, why do we do this to ourselves? we let anyone who says words, no inscription or official document, point out our physical flaws that are in everyone, some more inside ourselves than on the outside, but still there. why do we care so much? is it because of fashion these days? is it becuase of our eyes? our eyes allow us to see the beauties around us, but also, the evils. we as a whole are too delicate and fragile, we need to build up our shields and not let the evils of this world tear us down.

1 koment:

Unknown tha...

hannah you're beautiful.
so don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
and you're tall and skinny so don't worry about that either.

but really, what does all of that matter? no matter how many times people tell you that you are beautiful it won't matter unless you think it.

but fuck people who make you feel like that. they should definantly not be in your life! you gotta focus on the people that make you happy, and anyone that doesn't you have to get out of your sighhhht.