
Sexism still Breathes

I don't believe that America has completely freed itself of sexism. I know that there are more things backing me up on this. But for now; why is that when a guy is with more than one woman he is referred to as a "Player" with a positive connotation, but if a woman is with more than one man she is titled a "slut" with a negative connotation?

How bout that hip hop?!!

1 koment:

Toni tha...

I think that's stupid. (Not what you're saying, the sexist ideologies regarding players and sluts and whatnot.) Society is so messed up lately. Another thing to go with this is that if a girl chooses to do things with a guy at a certain age, she's seen as a slut, but if a guy has sex in high school it's seen as a great achievement. I'm not saying that sex in high school is a great idea, but patriarchalism goes too far sometimes. Let's change the world and give peace a change. :]

PS I forgot my password and had to try like five different things to post this. xD