
true love

After reading that last post, I almost vomitted. Perhaps I'm too hard on myself. But perhaps I am not. I feel like Hollywood has wrecked the word "love" or "true love". Honestly, instead of thinking of a couple who lives practically forever drenched in eachother is like 4th on my list when I hear the word "true love". Before that I think of clueless French college kids who don't really know love but spit out the word every five minutes they're with the person. Then I think of disney love. The fairy tale that never comes true (even that, now, is a cliché). The third I think of the true love that always falls threw; celebrity love.
I think love roams freely with any possibility. (personally I just want to show off my key board mastery with these awesome signs (THAT I DO AGREE WITH). )

♀+♂= ♪
♀+♀= ♪

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