Often I feel as though I am dragging this along, this being the memories from a childhood I regret and miss at the same time. A childhood that was pretty at the time, but after a few years kind of outdated itself. For example, the memories of holding hands while crossing the street or the memories of playing with Barbies* with my sister and next-door-neighbor. The memory of crying the first week of 1st grade because I was without my mother for oh-so long. Or perhaps the memories of innocence of the world that we were yet to live 'in'. So, as expected, the memories that I love, I want to Cherish forever, but the bad ones have come to haunt me. For example, being afraid of the movie "Who framed Roger Rabbit?" and knowing that it still frightens you seeps into your mind without mercy and somehow corrupts the moments you spend after you just briefly flashed back on that awful movie. It was just a movie, I am fully aware of the fact, but the fact that you and I (probably) cannot possibly bare is that our weaknesses/fears from 10, 20, 30+ years ago still somehow inundate our happiness and haunts us until the day we succumb to the Earth. Thus, no matter how hard we try to pull that chandelier into the car to drive to the dump it will just keep pulling back and we'll be motionless as the stones, rocks and dirt below us.
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